Evolutionary Model Discovery of Human Behavioral Factors Driving Decision-Making in Irrigation Experiments

Small farms are thought to produce around a third of the global crop supply. But, in the wake of the climate crisis, their existence is increasingly vulnerable to changes in the spatial and temporal availability of water. The small-scale irrigation …

Proof of concept study using GPS-based tracking data to build agent-based models of visitors’ off-trail behavior in nature-based tourism settings

Spatial components of visitor behavior in nature-based tourism settings have the potential to influence both the biophysical environmental and recreational experience. Previous efforts to model visitor spatial behavior in these settings have largely …

Managing ecological disturbances: Learning and the structure of social-ecological networks

Ecological disturbances (i.e. pests, fires, floods, biological invasions, etc.) are a critical challenge for natural resource managers. Land managers play a key role in altering the rate and extent of disturbance propagation. Ecological disturbances …

Complex Adaptive Systems, Simulations and Agent-based Modeling

Agent-based modeling and numerical simulations are means that facilitate exploring the structural and dynamic characteristics of systems that may prove intractable with analytical methods. This chapter examines what are complex adaptive systems, when …

Landscape connectivity and predator–prey population dynamics

Landscapes are increasingly fragmented, and conservation programs have started to look at network approaches for maintaining populations at a larger scale. We present an agent-based model of predator–prey dynamics where the agents (i.e. the …