Principles for a Case Study Approach to Social Tipping Points

Recent interdisciplinary study has led to significant conceptual advances and a broad empirical evidence base for ecological and climate tipping points. However, the literature has yet to present convincing empirical case studies of social tipping, …

La resilienza nei sistemi ecologici e sociali: connettività, diversità e retroazione

I cambiamenti economici, sociali e ambientali hanno, al giorno d’oggi, velocità e scala senza precedenti. Essi sono principalmente dovuti ai progressi tecnologici che hanno portato a una notevole crescita in tutti i campi, e hanno aperto la …

Network Analysis

A brief excursus on Network Analysis to analyze social-ecological systems

Complex Adaptive Systems, Simulations and Agent-based Modeling

Agent-based modeling and numerical simulations are means that facilitate exploring the structural and dynamic characteristics of systems that may prove intractable with analytical methods. This chapter examines what are complex adaptive systems, when …

Socioecosistemas y resiliencia. fundamentos para un marco analítico

El mundo de hoy está caracterizado por cambios a una velocidad y escala sin precedentes. Estos cambios se deben principalmente a los avances tecnológicos que han llevado a un crecimiento económico y demográfico sin paralelo en la historia de la …

Chapter 4 principle 2 - Manage Connectivity

Modeling Information Asymmetries in Tourism My Citations

Tourism has long been described as an information asymmetric market where consumers are unable to fully assess the quality of the products offered. A recognized consequence of this situation is that the space available for high quality products is …