PUP 3204H Honors Sustainabiility

Honors Sustainability PUP 3204H is an upper-level undergraduate course taught face to face. Taught currently yearly.

Course Description

This course is divided into two sections touched upon each week. In the first section of the week lecture style presentations will be given and aimed to equip students with theories and frameworks that are apt to analyze current issues related to sustainability. The second weekly section is student led and relates to putting into practice the lecture and reading materials and contextualize it with examples related to sustainability.

During the course, the students will become acquainted with the different conceptualization and frameworks related to the analysis of common pool resources, resilience and social ecological systems. These conceptualization will allow students to analyze, assess and discuss several sustainability problems such as biodiversity, climate change, energy etc.

Student Learning Outcomes

A student who has passed the course will be able to

  • Knowledge: Have knowledge of the different frameworks and theories applied to assess and solve complex environmental issues from a social-ecological perspective. This will include an in-depth knowledge about social dilemmas and collective action as well as managing common pool resources, resilience, adaptive management and co-management in social-ecological systems.

  • Competence and skills: Compare and critically assess the different theories and frameworks proposed and use the appropriate lens to assess and find solutions to current issues in environmental politics. Further, students, via independent work, will need to learn to plan and conduct a mini-research project leading to two presentations and one final essay. They will, hence, have to produce a written piece of work following standards observed for submission to peer-reviewed journals, including proper citation and use of references.

Associate Professor

My research interests relate to assessinig and analyzing dynamics of social ecological systems, common pool resources, resilence of coastal systems and the relationship between cognitive abilities and group adaptabilty to socio-economic, political and environmental changes